Holly Calvary Church
A Methodist Congregation
Holly Calvary Church | Sunday 10 AM
Christ Church, Davisburg | Sunday 5 PM
If you’re looking for a church home in the Holly area, you’ll love Holly Calvary Church. You will quickly find that this is a place with a warm welcome, authentic relationships, and no judgment. Just people with a deep desire to learn about and follow Jesus.
Check out the "New Here" and About HCC pages to find out more about Holly Calvary Church.
Holly Calvary Church is a place for kids where the Bible is never boring, learning about Jesus is really fun, and the great team of leaders have a passion for ministry with kids.
From Sunday morning Bible Classes to the midweek MegaKids minsitry, your kids will be asking to come every week.
Click the "Kids Page" Button for everything kids at Holly Calvary Church.
Step through the doors of Holly Calvary Church and you will know you have entered a place that loves music and loves praising God through music.
We have a wide variety of musical options. From bells, chimes, and a choir, to a praise band and guitar-led worship, Holly Calvary Church is filled with people who love music.
Click the "Music" Button to find out more.
15010 N. Holly Road
Holly, MI 48442
Office Hours: Mon.- Wed. 9AM-2PM
Food Pantry: Mon. & Wed. 9AM-2PM
Thursday 6PM-8PM
Accessible Anytime
Click the Button below to connect to the latest worship service. You can also connect to current and previous services by clicking on the "Media" tab.
Our messages are always built from the teachings of the Bible, and are relevant to our daily lives with all its joys and challenges.
803 Broadway
Davisburg, MI 48450
God has laid a vision upon us to launch a new faith community at our Davisburg location. The Plant Team has chosen the name, Christ Church. They are currently meeting in the Gospel center, Sundays at 5pm, in preparation for the main launch in Fall 2024.
Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church in the Holly-Davisburg-Fenton area, we know we are the place for you.
Take some time to check out the "New Here" and About Us" pages, where you can find the answers to many of your questions. Once you've explored there, if you still have more questions, I want to invite you to reach out and ask them. We are here to help you take the next step in your journey with Jesus.
If you have never been to Holly Calvary Church before, come by this Sunday! We look forward to meeting you! If you would like to take of step now, begin the connection by clicking the "Plan My Visit" button. God bless!
~ Pastor Cliff & Rachel
Have questions? We have the answers!
Holly Calvary is located at the north end of Holly, about 1/4 mile North of Grange Hall Road.
The address is 15010 N. Holly Road Holly, MI 48442
The entrance is located off Quick Road, which is on the North side of the church.
When you pull into the parking lot, the sanctuary entrance doors are located nearest to Quick Road. Come on in and experience a warm welcome from one of our greeters.
We love being a church that serves the Holly, Davisburg, Fenton, and Grand Blanc area.
Sunday Service time is 10Am & 5PM
Morning service is a traditional/praise team worship style.
Evening serivce is a contemporary, band-led worship style.
The online video or audio worship is available in the media tab of our website.
At Holly Calvary Church, we love kids and we believe in family. We welcome and encourage families to worship together. Check out the kids' page for upcoming activities.
Coming to a new church can seem intimidating for many people, but Holly Calvary Church knows that before you even get here. Take a deep breath, and relax. When you come, it's very simple...come as you are. You won't be asked to do anything. We just want to create the best worship exerience possible.
Whether you join us online, or in person, you are welcome here. Some people like to dress up, and others dress very casually. We think seeking God has nothing to do with what you're wearing.
Enter through the North set of double doors (those closest to Quick Road), and you’ll encounter one of our friendly greeters who will be sure to answer and questions and help you with everything you need to have a great worship experience.
Everything you need for worship will be projected
Holly Calvary's 'About Us' page should have what you're looking for. If you check out that page and still have questions, feel free to email our pastor: hollycalvarypastor@gmail.com
Check out the variety of groups at Holly Calvary Church. From Bible Studies and Fellowship Groups to Service and Mission Teams, Holly Calvary Church is a great church where you can learn, grow, serve and experience the kind of life-change that only Christ can bring.
Check out the mission and service page.
BIble Study & Fellowship page is coming soon.
Absolutely! From our Pastor, right down to the smiling faces at the doors or in the classrooms, we’re all on a journey with God. And, we're ALL IMPERFECT! Nothing in your past, present, or future is too big for God to forgive, or to get you through. Join us this week, and let God speak to your heart. Everyone is welcome!